Kryptelite is a tool that allows you to strongly encrypt your files and folders. It is the free version of Kryptel, an application that includes more functions and features. However, the security level provided by both tools is the same. The program includes browser integration, which allows you to encrypt your files or folders directly from Windows Explorer.
The program is designed to guide you through the encryption and decryption processes like a wizard. At first, you choose whether you want to encrypt folders or files, or decrypt items from a container file. In the case of the encryption process, you need then to set a file name and a location for the container file to be created using a standard “save” dialog. After that, you will be allowed to create a list with all the files and folders that will be encrypted and saved within that container. Finally, you will be asked to provide a password for the decryption process. The program creates a file with an EDC extension containing your encrypted files and folders.
In the case of the file decryption process, you are required to select the previously created EDC file and – optionally – an alternate location to store the decrypted files. You are prompted to type the file's password, which will recover your original file(s). There are some additional options interspersed throughout the program's screens, though they have all been disabled as they are supposed to work only when using the commercial version of Kryptel. more